The focus of our reforestation project in Haiti is planting fruit trees within the local communities to provide shade, protect soil and provide a food source. The next phase is to help rejuvenate ecosystems by planting Haitian Oak, Teak, Royal Palms, and Acacias.

The challenge
Charcoal is the most common fuel used in cooking, and charcoal production is a major cause of ongoing deforestation. Charcoal farming destroys forests, which are also wildlife habitat and protection against hurricanes. When these forests are felled, hurricanes wash away nutrient-rich soil creating dangerous landslides and diminishing viable farming land.

Our action
Our efforts in Haiti are focused on helping provide a sustainable food source for local communities – so we’re planting food-bearing trees. In addition to this, we are also re-establishing forest of Haitian Oak, Teak, Royal Palms, and Acacias to rejuvenate damaged ecosystems.
Another method of reforestation underway in Haiti is using the Bayawonn – an endemic thorny shrub – to boost the development of forest canopies. When pruned correctly, the Bayawonn can grow quickly into a towering tree, providing the required shade and protection for forest-floor trees and plants to thrive. Bayawonn seed pods can also be used as food for livestock and, once established, the wood can be sustainably felled for making furniture, carvings, and flooring.